
I have lost enough weight that my wedding rings fit again. Yay! Wow! Now my fingers are all itchy and weird from wearing rings. :)

Gaming last night was, as usual, fun. I really must try to get my act together and do some writeups. We’re halfway through the San Francisco adventure and I haven’t even written up most of the first New Orleans adventure. Bad Kit!

Let’s see, what else. Did a little Christmas shopping today. Got a mailbox stuffed full of stuff (Geni! We have mincemeat! Thank you!) because our mail bag is a moron and I’m pretty sure she’s not doing her whole route a couple days a week, because we keep getting a day or two of nothing at all and then a shitload of stuff at once. *mutter* But amongst the pile of stuff was a check for BANSHEE CRIES, so that’s nice. :)

music: Camelot

1 thought on “wow!

  1. Yay! ‘Dried Fruit Preserve’ was unthreatening enough to the customs weasels, happy dance.

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