wow, yummy stuff

So Ted had his final for his … I can’t spell it. Class. Today. :) They made up about thirty different tiny dishes and invited all the culinary students’ families and everyone to come visit and eat, and so we did. And it was very, *very* good. I tried many different things, although I wasn’t *very* adventuresome, and I liked almost all of what I tried. MmmMMMmmm.

Then I came home and went on a 15 mile bike ride, which caused Marith to say I was virtuous, but I hadn’t meant to be virtuous. I was just really looking forward to biking. :) Marith said that made me even MORE virtuous! But if I go do the lower-body workout that I’m supposed to do tonight, *that’ll* be virtuous. I’m not at all sure I’ve got the muscle strength to do it, after my bike ride. Guess I’ll find out. :)

Oh, and I got another 1100 words written. I’m thinking I’ll probably sit down and write another hundred (or more) tonight so that I actually hit my 3K.

I love summertime. :)

(Update: worked out, finished my 1200 words, and packed up 2 boxes of books to bring to Title Wave. Yay!)

miles to Hobbiton: 63.7
ytd wordcount: 97,800