
Wow. I just got Angie’s birthday box, which was full of amazing stuff! There is a great card, and a wonderful Gemini bookmark, and there are two copies of Beauty and the Beast, both illustrated, one by Marianna and Mercer Mayer, the other by Deborah Apy and Michael Hague, both of which are utterly gorgeous in /entirely/ different ways, a copy of Tam Lin, also illustrated, by Jane Yolen and Charles Mikolaycak (and inscribed, by Angie, “If it’s not Scottish, it’s crrrrrrap!” *giggle*), and lastly, a book of fairy tales with female heroes, The Serpent Slayer: and Other Stories of Strong Women by Katrin Tchana and Trina Schart Hyman, which looks amazing and not *one* of the stories do I know. Wow. Wow, so *very* cool! *Thank* you, Angie!

Now I must put these away and not read them, for I have work to do. Wow! Thank you!