I’m convinced that Nook knows when I’m supposed to be working. I can tell, because if I sit down and decide to play a little solitaire before starting to write, one of two things happens: either I play 3 games (my limit) and get not more than one or two moves per game, or I win the second game. I believe this is the computer’s way of telling me to stop fucking around and get to work. I will not believe otherwise. :)
Sent THUNDERBIRD FALLS off this morning. That’s two books and one novella delivered so far this year. One to go, although I’d like it just fine if that turned into “two to go” with another sale.
Also talked with some writer people and got my brain unstuck for what I needed to do in this next chapter of FIREBIRD DECEPTION, so I’m going to go … take a walk, I think, then probably have some lunch and then write.
Wish this headache would go away.
miles to Rauros Falls: 124