writing fun :)

Over on the Luna Boards, Mercedes Lackey has been running a contest in which board participants are to write up the Luna authors as one of the various sorts of magic-users in her 500 Kingdoms books (her Luna books). This is what Cyn wrote up for me:

Catie Murphy is a witch, someone who truly knows the meaning of being able to tap the earth, call upon the magic resting within the ground and more. From making blueberry pie that stains the teeth and makes the soul smile, through healing with magnimous amounts of fruit liquor, Catie rules her place with a firm, slightly stained with blueberry hand and tongue. Her hair is short, her dark eyes flashing with knowing as she looks you over from head to toe. Though she doesn’t have the power of others, she’s very good at what she does. From making fruits grow better and faster, to helping you to see the path before you, Dame Catie is one that you want as a friend, not as an enemy.


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