writingu and stuff

Yesterday was a very nice day. We went out to dinner at our favorite (but increasingly expensive and hence rarely visited) Italian restaurant with Christopher and Young, and Ted ate so much that he was much, much too full to eat any of the German chocolate cake I made for his birthday cake! So we still have a pristine cake sitting downstairs. Ted got good loot for his birthday, including a book called FOOD FOR FIFTY, which deals with scaling recipes up for larger groups of people. He’d really wanted that, so he was v. happy. :) And then he took the gift certificate my parents got him and went to B&N and got a recipe book for h’.. h’… appetizers. O.O That he’d seen that he really wanted, so yah. Good stuff. Very nice day.

*I*, otoh, went to the chiropractor and got crunched in a million places in an attempt to make the tingling in my right ulnar nerve go away (it worked). Because working at my laptop aggravates that particular problem, I didn’t write yesterday, and today I’m going to move my chapter in progress to the desktop computer, which has a better keyboard even if overall I don’t like writing at the desktop so much because it’s connected to the terribly distracting internet. However, with 4ish chapters to go and a pinch in my back waiting to happen, I prefer to err on the side of caution. I shall just have to manfully ignore the internet.

And! Email from Jenn this morning saying she’d read and really enjoyed “Banshee Cries”, and that she’d heard back from the new YA editor at Tor and was resubmitting ANGLES there, as everyone is now assuming the original submission has been lost. So! MOVEMENT there, and I am *really* pleased about that!

Arright. Hair-drying, then writing. Zoof.

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