
I have just gotten a box full of COYOTE DREAMS in the mail. It is *pretty*. Very, very pretty. And I actually want to sit down and /read/ it, which is fairly unusual and quite cool: I like the book that much.

For the next 24 hours, people should tell me why it is I should send them a copy of the book, and the top 3 reasons will get a copy. If the reason is “Because you promised to send me a copy of WINTER MOON or PHOENIX LAW eight months ago the last time you did this sort of thing and never got around to it, you git,” uh, email me (cemurphyauthor at gmail dot com) separately and I will do my best to rectify my gittitude this week. :)

71 thoughts on “yay!

  1. You should send me a book because I adore this series and pimp it out to friends whenever possible. Also, because I would be squeeful and bouncy and it would make me feel all special :)

    Also, I don’t wanna wait until it hits the stores – I wanna read it NOW! < /whine >

  2. Because I have all the others… of course, if it’s Hardcover, never mind.}:P

  3. Because I had such an awesome time meeting you and talking with you in the bar at World Fantasy back in November. (I was the one telling you to come to RWA national.) ;)

  4. You should send me a copy so I can start pimping it out at work (aka Barnes and Nobles) in addition to the other books that I pimp out! ;)

  5. Can I start with reasons why you shouldn’t send me one?

    (I’d feel terribly greedy after getting free copies of two, nay, three, OK, 2.33333 previous books of yours. No, don’t feel rejected – I bought US and TF, and I will certainly buy this one too. So I’m an ingrate who hasn’t thanked you and Ted properly yet for the Octocon handouts.)

  6. You should send me a book because 1) I will enjoy it 2) I will loan it to others to enjoy 3) I’ve never had the pleasure to meet you in person, and being in NC, lack the probable opportunity, and barring that possibility, getting a book straight from the author of such fantastic, flawed but strong women characters would be the next coolest thing.

  7. Because you love me.

    Because we both love Rogue?

    Because you did horrible teasing things with that first chapter and I want to read it now, now, now?

    Because I want to tell my friends that this new awesome book is out?

    Because I’m almost done with a well written but rather scholarly book on the Pelopponesian War and I need something fun to read next? If you sent me one my choice would be easy.

    Because I said so?

    Because pretty please with sugar on top?

    Ummmmmmmm….. I can come up with more.

  8. heee! *thinks hard*

    hmmmm…. why you should send me a copy…how about because rather than checking out copies of Urban Shaman and Thunderbird Falls from my local library i waited impatiently for amazon.ca to [finally] get copies in… and i *bought them… and i *didn’t download them from a newsgroup because i *needed the purties on my shelf. *pets the purties* and that during the TWO MONTHS i had to wait for amazon to ship out the boooookses i pimped you like mad to all my friends and family…and that i’ll cry like a baby if i have to wait [again] for the 3rd book…

    and did i mention that in addition to being incredibly talented you are cute as a button and i love your hair? ;)

  9. Because I am so stressed over the whole buying-another-house thing that I really need something good to distract me, and because I still haven’t yet managed to pick up any of your books. Suddenly getting a copy of Coyote Dreams will mean I have to go buy the previous books, since having a book in the middle of a series sitting there taunting me is not something I’ll be able to resist.

  10. Because my boyfriend just broke up with me because he “can’t worry about me while he’s at basic and AIT training” aka he doesn’t want me to find another man and write him a letter breaking up with him (seriously, wtf?), but REALLY it’s because I don’t “share” enough of my “feelings” with him despite me desperately clinging to him in the past week moreso than I have in the entire 9 months we were dating which was exactly what he wanted the unholy bastard, and I’d rather have something amazingly awesome to read than to summon up my primal Russian bloodlust and go slice off his head with our OJ knife.

    Yeeeeeah. Sorry. Leeeetle rant there. *sheepish cough*

  11. Plus I totally dressed up like a slutty pirate wench and met Terry Prachett and got a picture with said amazing author in said amazing slutty pirate wench get up.

    I dunno what that has to do with Coyote Dreams, but I think it’s pretty damn cool.

  12. Because I live in Seattle and spent a significant amount of time trying to figure out the actual location where Joanne saw the woman from the plane. (Unsuccessfully I might add.)

    Because I’ve reviewed both the others on my LJ and press them on my friends.


  13. Because I will promptly talk about the book to a hundred or so avid listeners, even if you don’t ever let me interview you!

  14. The best I could come up with is because I hate to wait, but now that I have enough income from working two jobs I can afford to buy it. I just hate having to wait :).

    I love your books! I can’t wait either for TQB, which I was dismayed to see was moved to a later publication. Aarrggh!


  15. You should because:
    * You never phone me
    * I just had to buy my second Urban Shaman because somebody permanently borrowed my first
    You shouldn’t because:
    * I’ve bummed altogether too many free books off you
    * International postage

  16. Can I request for someone else? :) I think you should send a copy to my friend Amy, because she has to start chemotherapy soon, and getting a shiny new book that she’s been anticipating in the mail would probably be a very nice bright spot in her world!

  17. I should get a free copy of this book because I like to walk around and read books out loud to the trees, rocks and ghosts in the world (being that they have no fingers or hands that would allow them to read their own books). I have it on very good faith from the trees (they wiggle their leaves at all the right moments) and the ghosts (they keep stepping through me and give me the chills) that they enjoy your work in particular very much. Unfortunately, the rocks just tend to sit there. They’re a tough crowd.

  18. I think you should send me a copy because when you do I will:

    1) Immediately obtain copies of Urban Shaman and Thunderbird Falls and read them.
    2) Read it.
    3) Reread them all at Octocon and the next P-Con while being obvious at the front desk, telling simply *everyone* who walks in the door how fantastic they are, no really, and she’s just over there, you can go pester her and talk to her for hours and hours and hours…
    4) In five years, when you’ve got more money than Rowling, blog about how you used to do the small conventions, and be a real fan’s guest. I could also sell copies of your pictionary scribbles on e-bay for thousands of euro.
    5) Wonder why I started writing this in the first place.
    6) Remember your name when you next appear at a con front desk?
    7) Buy you alcohol?

    So there you go then…

  19. Thanks! I bought it in a long-sleveed t-shirt a couple years back, but they’ve since stopped selling it. It’s my “write now or die” shirt.

  20. I gave you Flintstones! And Dresden! And Crisco! :)

    (OK, seriously, no I did that because I wanted to. But your post incited me to be cheeky. ;)

  21. Because I’m a giant pregnant lady who needs something to read while she’s losing her mind trying to feed a baby!

    er. :)


    Well, no, I’m not actually kidding. It’s true. I am. And I will. But that doesn’t mean it’s the awesomest reason ever to send a book :D

  22. because I will swing by, pick it up in person and take you out for coffee/tea/chocolate

  23. Send me a copy because I love this series and cant wait until May, and I might just go into a deep depression and hury myself- Tevans

  24. You should send me one because my cats demand it. Especially the shaved Maine Coon, who’s suffering from depression because he got the lion cut for summer.

    The coyote pooka in my icon (he’s the one with the flowers) likewise demands so.

    That, and of course I love your books. :>

  25. So I can be the second person in Norway with a book signed by Kit? I sort of keep hoping to run into you now that we’re on the same continent (give or take a North Sea) and get something signed, but Ireland is sooooo far away!

  26. You should send me a copy because this is the most fantastic series, I pimp it out to my sister and friends, I’ve bought copies of books so other people will read them, and because I’m horribly, horribly broke and probably won’t be able to buy it this time. *cries*

  27. Here’s a reason you should NOT send me a copy: I lend people books that I think they will like. So far, my wife and I have lended copies of your previous Walker Papers books to about a dozen people. So really, giving me a free copy is like giving ten people free copies. They’ll all end up reading either way, but they’ll have to PAY UP. … or well, I will, anyway. ;)

  28. Even if it doesn’t have much to do with CD, it does sound like a really good start toward gaining some closure. Go you! Arrr…

    (I won’t clog up Catie’s happy fun blog with my thoughts on what kind of person dumps another in that way, but rest assured said thoughts are lengthy and unkind.)

  29. I must file a complaint with them! They must bring back the shirt! (Which I hate to do cause I love their stuff!)

  30. Because I’m a terrible person for wanting one for myself when other people have much better reasons? :(

    Plus I’ll quit working on GURPS Catiethulhu….

  31. 1. Because I’m an awesome nifty person that does his best to post useful responces to your posts (And if I have no useful responce, I’ll likely post a useless responce just as well -grin-).

    2. Because I’m a rabid fan that haunts bookstores and actively places your book covers forward anytime I find them in book stores (You know, one of those folks booksellers hate).

    3. Because Hugh Jackman refused to leave you a forwarding address and has that restraining order up. So if you don’t mind, I’d like his copy :)

  32. This is sad — I’m a grown man, but I’m so excited about the upcoming release there’s too much of a mental squeal of joy to actually come up with a reason… :(

  33. Because my sister flew to NYC to pick me up a copy of Urban Shaman* after I picked up Thunderbird Falls at PCon, and I don’t think I can talk her into flying back again to pick up Coyote Dreams…

    *Okay, not just for that. But it makes for a better reason slanted that way

  34. I would clamor for a copy to be mailed to me because I would love to have another signed one (and am not likely to mail TF or CD dreams to you, unlike my geeky US action), except that I have this friend living in France at the moment, and if I can get the dosh together, hope to go visit her at some point this year, and if I’m already on the other side of pond, well damnit, I’ve always wanted to see England, and then you’re right there in Ireland, and well. So then I’d ask you for a (signed) copy, in person.

    But since I won’t know for months if that’ll happen, I won’t make too much of a noise. Even if I do keep you in Rogues. ^_~

  35. Because I’m a useful guy to know? (Although I think outscored me on that one already…)

  36. * I just had to buy my second Urban Shaman because somebody permanently borrowed my first

    Mine, too. It’s a plague of Urban Shaman borrowers!

  37. Because–

    I have an unsigned copy of US, and an ARC of TBF that’s signed by you. And if I had a signed copy of CD, I could say I’m in the ‘best two out of three’ category. And as you know, nobody says ‘best ONE out of three’, right??

    Plus, Lillian will make little rosebud lips for you, and I will email you the link to the (studio taken) picture of her looking constipate— er, I will email you the link to her recent studio taken pictures? :)

  38. If you sent it to me, after the 3 or so days it takes me to read it, I’ll forward it to Heidi as well thus giving 2 of us the joy of reading it early.

  39. Don’t send me a copy. I’m about to start a third shelf of books-to-be-read, and when Xena and Xia show up, I’ll have no time or brain to read any of them.

    But once the books-to-be-read shelf thins out a bit, I’ll find a copy somewhere…

  40. I am no more deserving of a copy than anyone else, and less deserving than some. However, I drool at the very idea of getting one, so here are my reasons:

    1. I regularly mention you as one of my favorite authors AND an author I want to emulate (career-wise, not writing-wise, I don’t write like you at all).

    2. Of the 100 books I read last year, only 12 authors got perfect 10s from me, and you got two. :)

    3. I will buy a copy when it comes out anyway, and award it to a writer who meets a challenging writing goal, in an effort both to encourage said writer and spread the love of your work.

    4. It’s been too damned long since the last one.

  41. You should send me a copy because I’m looooooooonely. And because no one ever sends me copies of their books. And because I am an adorable little baby hedgie and if you don’t, I will make with the sad eyes and the nobody loves mes. :) And because I will go SQUEEEEEEEEE when it shows up in my mailbox and dance around and call my dad and lord it over him like the ungrateful brat child that I am. :)

  42. You should send me a copy because I absolutely love this series and have already addicted 5 of my friends to it…

    And because I’m working on convincing a convention that I help run that we need to bring you in as a Guest of Honor. :)

  43. Oh… and I should mention that the con that I’m pimping your work out to is a sci-fi/fantasy con and Linux/open-source expo… *grin* Linux is awesome.

  44. Terry Prachett is awesome… I spent some time drinking vodka with him at a convention 4 years ago… :) I didn’t get a picture with him though… you win there. But I did get a picture with Neil Gaiman!

  45. because I own the others in the series and love them lots, because I just found your website today, and just read the exerpt for Coyote Moon and LOVE the way it begins, because I just found our about the other name you write under (from your site, of course), and am ordering those books soonest. and because a lot of other replies seem to indicate that they’ve already been recipients of your largess (and I’d like to join their ranks). that, and I share the Alaska thing with you, having finally moved to Colorado 10 years ago, after 40 years in Anchorage…

  46. I just watched him eat ten minutes before the signing (which was funny, because people were lining up an hour before the specified time, and I forgot about what time the signing was because I was talking to Terry Prachett about Serenity and the Prestige). Of course, i won’t be able to legally drink alcohol for another five months, but that’s neither here nor there.

  47. 1) Because I would be very very happy (the squee might reach you from here!)
    2) Knowing what happens to Joanne et all would be a joy, a thing of beauty would light up my day. And would be a great wedding anniversary gift (it’s the 7th of April)
    3) because the likelyhood of my getting it in Ireland is so low that it’s amazing and I can’t justify an amazon order right now. Now with the pile I have to read!

  48. And my husband adds that he knows that the book would automatically float to the top of the pile, like all good things should! He does know me too well.

  49. Just when you think nerds can’t get any nerdier: Sci-Fi cons and computer expos start having love children. :)

  50. Hey… it’s sci-fi/fantasy, computers, anime, gaming, webcomics… *grin* It’s a fun geekiness. For guests, we’ve had: Terry Prachett, Neil Gaiman, Charles Stross, Looney Labs, Steve Jackson, Randy Milholland… plus tons of people that I didn’t care about personally. :) But then, I’m not a typical geek either!

  51. Dammit! All the way down at comment 60 XD!!

    Ummmmm….because I purchased the books you wrote under Cate Dermody and one of the marketplace senders on Amazon.ca pretty much ditched me and stole my moolah and I’m left with no copy of FIREBIRD so I can’t ready PHOENIX until I get that and it’s all very confusing.

    No no no, wait. I can come up with a better reason….because you are amazing? *bats her eyelashes at you*

    No no no, wait. I can TOTALLY come up with something better! Because I’m a book critic for CanWest ((aka media empire of Canada)) and sending me favours is like flirting with the enemy which Alisha MacAleer would totally support.

    Yeah, I think that’s the best I’ll come up with XD That and the overuse of the word “totally”.

  52. Because I will telepathically cue Lucy and Zilli to meow pathetically at you until you send me a book. You know I can do it, too. ;-)

  53. I would want a copy, because I can’t seem to find any of your books in the shops over here in Belgium. And upon reading your journal I’ve gotten rather curious about your work.

  54. And your point is…? :)

    Here’s the thing. I read a LOT. And I stop reading even more (I’ve already set aside 28 books this year–five more than I’ve completed). When I find an author who not only doesn’t make me stop reading but makes me drop everything else so I can read the book nonstop–well, a DAY is too long to have to wait for the next one! LOL

  55. You should send me a copy because I was ***OH so good*** in NOT buying the ARC even though it was MOST painful to think that in all my goodness I would have to wait until MAY to read this next book, which as everyone knows is just EONS away!! Also, it will allow me to NOT go and kill the idiots who work at my local B&N store when I go there on the release date and they tell me they have no idea what I am talking about, so I have them go get a manager, and then THEY tell me they have no idea what I am talking about, and I convince them to go and look for the book in their back room because the copies they DID have out on the shelves are sold out, and then they go and look for about 15 minutes, to come out with a copy and go “oops”. Gee, think I’ve done this once or twice??

  56. While I am sadly late and will likely be waiting for it to come out anyway, I would like to point out:

    1) Sometime-best-friend-recently-found-again has bought both books prior already (after special ordering) since discovered she stupidly passed it up not believing it was you the first time.
    2) Am actually considering purchasing the other books you wrote just to read them even though I have found I generally hate the genre – spies, whatnot.

    S’okay. As good friend status, I am quite happy to purchase and send you the 97 cents or so you get. *grin*

    Luv ya.

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