feeling better

That was a hit-and-run cold-bordering-on-flu thing if I’ve ever had one. I’m still not entirely well, but the difference between Sunday and Monday in my wellness level is nearly indescribable, nevermind how much better I feel today. And apparently I *caught* it at Christmas, since one of the guests had the same symptoms that laid me out three days later.

…it’s going to be 2009 in the moral equivalent of a few minutes. For some reason this particularly struck me in looking at the archives links on my webpage, perhaps because I redesigned and relaunched mizkit.com in the wee hours of 2008, so I noticed the archives links go from 2007 to 2008, and it just hit me that in a very short time it’ll be adding another year to the roll. It just seemed like a lot. And gosh, in looking back through non-blog-software archives, if you include my ‘gym reports’ that I did for a couple years, I’ve been doing something like semi-regular blogging since the beginning of 1996 (I knew I’d been blogging since before it was cool, but I didn’t know how *much* before). *laughs* Here’s my first entry:

I am so cool. I am so very cool!

So at work — I work at Interlibrary Loans, in UAF’s Rasmuson Library — a couple weeks ago, we had a rush fax request from the Alaska State Library down in Juneau. (Go back to the map.) They needed this article asap, and had written on the top of the cover sheet that if we could get it to them that day, they’d be eternally grateful.

So I got it out to them, no probs, nice short article, and on the returning cover sheet, I wrote “Eternal gratitude is most appreciated in the form of chocolates.” I mentioned the note to my boss, because I’d amused myself by writing it, and then forgot all about it.

So on Monday Jimmy (the boss) starts opening the mail. First box he opens is from the State Library, and it has fudge and husky paws (they’re coconut chocolate candies) and nutty chocolates and a big ol’ chunk of dark chocolate and another big ol’ chunk of milk chocolate!

I am SO cool!

This also means it’s been an entire year since I’ve redesigned mizkit.com. Normally a redesign only lasts a few months with me. Apparently I still like this one. (Either that or I’ve been too busy cutting my hair to turn my frustrations on web design. *pauses to consider it* Nah, I still like it. :))

I didn’t eat any oranges yesterday. I better go have some.

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