imagining myself as less ambitious

Friday morning I had the thought, as I occasionally do, that it’s just not possible to get all the things I want to get written, written, especially in the time frame I wanted to, and that I really just needed to be less ambitious.

48 hours later and I’m still like, “yes, this is a good plan, a reasonable plan.” It won’t last, it never does, but for the window here where I’m going “really it’d be okay to not put so much stress on myself” and believing it, it’s nice. I should go tackle my Work Thinks To Do list while I’m in this mindset, and spread it out over a more realistic time frame than its current status.

In unrelated news, I got my second-hand bike fixed so it’s rideable now. I have ambitions (see, sigh, I’m not good at not having ambitions) to get up earlier and go swim in the mornings, but that would mean going to bed earlier, which I haven’t been doing so well at.

Also, the ten days of June have slipped away, and I need to get hold of the rest of them because I need to get REDEEMER copy edits to the copy editor so he’ll have time to edit them before the deadline he proposed to me. @.@ Seriously, a lot of this year just feels like it’s sliding through my fingers (although I recognize a fair part of that is because I’m still too glued to international political shit-shows, but hey: yay Great Britain, especially the 72% youth turnout, omg, you see that American youth?!? and yet, y’know, that fat lady ain’t done singing yet), but…yeah. Anyway.

I better stop writing this before I start feeling like I’m not getting enough done and start getting Ambitious again. :p :)