mostly metrics

Mom harangued me into actually getting to the needed quota today, so wordcount for January 2008 is officially 41,200. Not quite in Cherie Priest’s extremely excellent 53K for the month, but well ahead of the 1K a day minimum I set myself. (In fact, for those of you keeping track at home, I’m slightly ahead of the average 1300 words a day I’d need to make the two million mark by the end of the year…a goal which I have no intention of setting.)

At some point here I’m going to break through to the other side of this madness and it’ll all be a quick downhill tumble from there. That point, however, is a bare minimum of two full months off and probably won’t actually hit until June or July. Must keep putting one foot in front of the other and focusing on what I *can* do.

Gymmed yesterday, primarily dancing, and hoo boy are my thighs and calves speaking to me about it today. Tomorrow’s another dancing day. I’m hoping I can /manage/. :) Ted’s been laughing at me as I wince up and down the stairs. :)

I’m already up too late, so that’ll have to do for today. Tomorrow I’ll post about something cool that I haven’t mentioned yet.

ytd wordcount: 41,800
miles to Minas Tirith: 81.4

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