reality collides with perception

I asked for Rachel Bach‘s Paradox Trilogy for my birthday last year, and, in my Read The TBR List In Alphabetical Order quest for 2015, I started reading them this week. I also discovered that my interest in them was a source of great confusion to Ted, who knows I hated Honor Harrington and had extrapolated that I disliked space opera/military SF, which is bonkers. I stared at him in utter astonishment and he said, “Well, they look like they’re up the Honor Harrington alley and you don’t like those kinds of books!”

“Like I totally hate the Jack Campbell books,” I said somewhat incredulously. “And I totally didn’t read all the OLD MAN’S WAR books. Or FOREVER WAR, for that matter. Or Lois McMaster Bujold. Or all of Elizabeth Moon’s military SF.” (Although, to be fair, I read those before I met Ted.) Anyway, he got a pretty funny expression of “all of these facts I was indeed previously aware of have conflicted horribly with this notion of reality I had created,” but it was all cleared up when I explained that it was the Harrington books in *specific* I didn’t like. (Which is something he also knew, but had just filed under “hates military SF.” Seriously, the first three chapters or so were just, like, filled with Specific Things Catie Doesn’t Like. It’s like Weber had a checklist of tropes that would get on my nerves and went down it assiduously marking them off. I didn’t get any farther than that in the books. I couldn’t stand it. :))

None of that has anything to do with the Paradox books, so although this was going to be a Recent Reads post instead it’ll just be an amusing anecdote post. :)

ytd wordcount: 16,100

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2 thoughts on “reality collides with perception

  1. I’ve read the first Old Man’s War book, really want to read the others. They’re to add to my To Read Pile at some point, but I’m afraid if I buy them before my pile is less horrific, it will just make me feel more guilty for not reading them for at least 6 months.

  2. I managed to force my way through the first chapter of _On Basilisk Station_, and that left me wondering two things: Why David Webber was so popular, and why any publisher would let that book into the wild in the sorry shape it was in.

    I have an extensive review of that first chapter somewhere in my LiveJournal, but I’m too lazy right now to find it and link to it.

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