
Sigh. I hate that SimpleMU* uses ^w to switch windows, when ^w closes most programs down. I meant to alt-tab from my IE window to my SimpleMU* window, and instead I ^w’d and closed down a five paragraph entry in my webpage. Ok, this is one big huge flag-waving plus for writing webpages in a telnet window instead of a browser/windows program. Sigh.

I had been saying “ew” before, but it’s lost all its meaning now. Several ews. Which do not make a herd of sheep. Ew #1 was that I went upstairs and got a sand pear for breakfast, took a bite, and discovered the sand pears had fermented. This is a good reason to only buy one or two sand pears at a time: they seem less formidable that way, and are more likely to be eaten. I will remember this, in the future.

Ew #2 was that stinkybutt Zilli let out a really horribly stinky fart. Stinky stinky kitty.

Ew #3 was thwarted when I ran upstairs to discover that Ted had in fact remembered to put the chicken into the fridge last night, so that it has not thawed into rottenness this morning. Thank goodness. Or thank Ted, I suppose, more accurately.

Other Objects of Note: Jai (who should make her LJ page public so I can link her name in here when I mention her) called and said our friend Liz was going to — actually, she called to tell me my email was bouncing, but once we got past that she said we should go to lunch on Friday and said that we should try to get our friend Liz to go with us, ’cause she’ll be in town. Woot! Real Human Socialization! (Not that Ted and Shaun aren’t human, but you know what I mean.)

Also, I’m really fed up with listening to the radio. It’s just like listening to a CD over and over and over again, only with commercials. But I have apparently been too uninspired to put CDs in. Although it occurs to me that I have a ton of classical, and that might be the right speed.

*zums upstairs*

Okay, “a ton” apparently really means “two CDs that I can find that are actually in their cases where they belong”, but still, it’s better than the radio or any of the other stuff I had down here.

Jai (see, another instance where I could link your name in!) says I have to tell this story:

I kept mentioning, while I was doing 6 Degrees, that nobody had any idea how old I was, right? Well, I don’t think I ever got around to writing about the last of those up. After the last show, a bunch of us went over to the Bear’s Tooth to have some dinner and drinks. During dinner, Susan (who played Ouisa, the female lead) and Danny (who played Geoffrey, the (white) South African), said to me, “So, are you the senior member of the Harvard Club?” (All the kids in the play are going to Harvard.) I laughed and said that I was indeed the senior member of the Harvard Club; Danny wanted to know if I was a fifth-year senior? I said, “No, more like a graduate student,” which caused them to ask how old I was. “Twenty-eight,” I replied, and Susan flung her hands up and fell back and said, “No! You must get carded *all* the time!”

I do maintain that something else she said is partially responsible for the whole assumption I must be about 22: I was cast as a ‘kid’. I was cast to be just out of high school, first year of college. As Susan said, “Well, Ann (the director) said you were a kid, I just believed her! You all look like kids to me anyway.” So, yeah: people see what they expect to see.

Still, it’s fun. :)

2 thoughts on “Sigh.

  1. You could try using alt+A too (switches to active world), or alt + to switch to a specific world. (alt+1 for the first one you connected to, etc.)

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