Sugar Wars: Two Weeks & Counting

All I want out of life is a plate of chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.

I don’t even *like* chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. I find them a perpetual disappointment. But I desperately want some.

This isn’t getting any easier. It’s not actually that it’s hard, it’s that it makes me grumpy, at least in part because I find baking soothing and these troubled times we’re living in require some real fucking soothment. But I’ve met me, and if I bake cookies, there’s no way I’ll stop eating at two. So, fuck.

I’ve lost another couple pounds, which, rather than being an inspiration, is more of a “WELL SEE THIS ISN’T THAT GODDAMN HARD I COULD JUST HAVE SOME GODDAMN COOKIES IT’D BE FINE” and it makes me cranky to know that isn’t true.

(Sorry, I’m in a terrible mood. The government’s a time bomb and I hate the world right now and I want some goddamn cookies.)


1 thought on “Sugar Wars: Two Weeks & Counting

  1. Would it help to bake non-desert items? Biscuits, muffins, pot pie? (And now I’m hungry…sigh)
    I know that stuff can also cause trouble if you’re trying to lose weight, but would it count against the sugar war and still let you bake?

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