
Wow. There’s enough fog out the front window that for an instant when I glanced up, it looked like the world had gone away. It was, in fact, sufficiently foggy that I thought I should go out this morning and take photos. While I was getting dressed most of the fog went away, but I went out anyway, and judging from the return of the fog, it’s just as well, because there’s too much now for good photography unless I’m quite close to something. But in the meantime I got…

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Christmas shopping, goodies & more promotional stuff

It is perhaps not morally superior, what with not going out and supporting the local economy, but *damn* it is nice and efficient to do Christmas shopping on Amazon. *dusts hands* Ted has made truffles. Truly sinful rich chocolately amazing deadly truffles. I ate one. I might not be able to eat more. My gawd. He ran out of chocolate to dip them in, so the last few are going to be rolled in toffee as soon as I make the toffee. *ded* And! Jackie Kessler, writer extraordinare, has done…

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Chance promotion!

Temple Library Reviews (aka LJ’s own ) has done a lovely writeup on theupcoming “Take A Chance” premiere, and Morrigan Books owner (owner?) Mark Deniz/ also mentions it on his blog. Yay! Ted and I actually got up and went to the gym today. We’re quite proud of ourselves. :) And for much of the rest of the day I’m going to make candy and prepare to send it out into the world. :) Oh, and I’ve got kitsnaps up and running again with a new, hopefully spam-freeish template which…

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copy edits

I suspect, but I do not know for certain, that other writers do the same thing I do when working on copy edits, which is to say, they talk back at the copy editor. “How *dare* you remove my italics,” I say (out loud). (This is an important moment for this character. It *requires* italics.) “No,” I say out loud, “I don’t *want* an em-dash there.” (God knows if I did I’d have put one in. I am not afraid of em-dashes. Or semi-colons. Or colons. Or serial commas.) And…

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many small things

This is a post of small things, because I don’t seem to be able to keep my head together long enough to remember more than small things for very short periods of time. *God* I’ll be glad when the sun starts to come back, even if it’s perpetually cloudy here. I need to live somewhere where it is sunny but not *hot* all year round, and I have a very limited idea of what constitutes ‘hot’. One of the things I love about the Irish is that they say, “It’s…

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