man flu

My son has the Man Flu. This was an observation made by his father last night as we listened to him moan and whimper, and while I don’t know if small girls make these same sounds when sick (presumably they do), the similarities between Indy’s complaints and Ted’s when he’s sick were so exact as to be very funny. :) Ted, however, doesn’t generally throw up on me. Poor child. This was by far the biggest throw-up he’s ever done, and he had *no* idea what was happening, but was…

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cough. cough cough cough cough cough

Sick of being sick. Everybody is sick, and it keeps lingering and coughing and snotting and tireding and just ugh. I’ve had about 10 cold-free days since late October and whinge whinge snivel complain. Furthermore, my thinks to do list looks like this: Thinks to do: – ALL THE THINKS *ded*


I had great plans for writing this month. They were going to be like this: “Get up Monday morning & start writing! Then write during nap time! And steal an hour after Ted comes home to write! Do that every day until the book is done! HOO RAH!” The reality: go to bed Saturday with an impending cold (no, not con crud; I’m afraid I’ll be Patient Zero for P-Con’s crud this year), be utterly wrecked by Sunday night, be such a Snoresy McSnoresA-Lot that it drives the poor husband…

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feeling better

That was a hit-and-run cold-bordering-on-flu thing if I’ve ever had one. I’m still not entirely well, but the difference between Sunday and Monday in my wellness level is nearly indescribable, nevermind how much better I feel today. And apparently I *caught* it at Christmas, since one of the guests had the same symptoms that laid me out three days later. …it’s going to be 2009 in the moral equivalent of a few minutes. For some reason this particularly struck me in looking at the archives links on my webpage, perhaps…

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coughing up a lung

It’s 6:40am and I’ve been hopelessly awake for almost an hour, thanks to a wracking cough and high pressure system in my sinus cavities. I am exhausted and smell of Vicks Vapor Rub, and all I want is to get some more sleep. The cats, on the other hand, want me to feed them. *tries to sleep*