a night in

I’ve had LA Confidential from (the Irish equivalent of) Netflix for about two months now, and so, because Ted is going off to watch the new Punisher movie, which I’m sure is too violent for me, I’m going to have A Night In. It will involve popcorn and orange juice and hopefully a kitty snuggling up with me, and possibly a viewing of Stardust after I’ve watched LA Confidential, but probably not because there’s some kind of international dance competition thing on TV at 9 that I kind of want…

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tin whistle

I found my tin whistle book. It was…wait for it…shelved tidily in the bookcase not 18 inches from my elbow as I work every day. In my defense, I’d forgotten that it was a full-sized book, and had been searching for a smaller one, which in my opinion explains why I didn’t see it. Also I didn’t look on that bookcase, because I thought I was looking for something smaller (well, I *was* looking for something smaller, just wrongly) and I thought it was on the other bookcase. Or in…

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extremely eclectic post

Ted was morally superior this morning and got up and went to the gym. I, on the other hand, slept until the cats came and lay on me, and then slept some more. I’ll go do my pilates in a minute, but I feel kind of guilty. Especially since it’s not actually raining this morning, and I fear I’ve lost my only chance for getting outside when it’s not miserable. …I wish people would put their twitters behind cut tags. I do not care about twitter. If I wanted to…

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