thistledown & other things

The thistles are all exploding with thistledown. I have this utterly irrational urge to, like, collect, spin, and weave with it, or something, just because there’s so much of it! This was one of my primary thoughts while walking (dear god) nine and a half miles today. Another one was a long and serious consideration of how I would survive if I was thrown back a hundred years in time with only the clothes on my back (answer: get by long enough to place a large bet on the Titanic…

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DEMON HUNTS is revised and delivered unto my editor. The copped-out storyline is much improved and hopefully everything else that needed explaining has been explained satisfactorily. And now I have no more revisions to do until the next TRUTHSEEKER revision letter. However, lest you think that means I’m caught up, I say BAHAHAHA. O.O Next up is writing “Hot Time”, upon which I’ve done some 1800 words already and, er, I seriously doubt this is going to come in as short as 7500 words. I’m sort of hoping I can…

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