2000 yards! Swimming was good! Boy do I need to lose weight. That suit reaaaalllllly juuust fits. It’d be fine if I weighed, y’know. 40 pounds less. And it’d be better if I weighed 20 pounds less. I’d better swim a lot.
Mony FINISHED HER NOVEL! 50,300 words in TWENTY THREE DAYS! *GO MONY*!! *dancies mony about* I am SO PROUD! She finished before me! (She says, “I try to look like that wasn’t my primary motivation.” *howls of laughter*) *happy dance, happy dance*!
I’ll start writing again after dinner, probably at 7. 1600 words to break 50K: I can do that today. Hell, mony wrote TWELVE THOUSAND WORDS today! I can handle a mere, er, 7300! But I’ll probably quit at 9 tonight, because I have to go over to the theatre and pick up some costuming pieces, and it doesn’t seem wildly likely that I’ll write more after coming home. I might *shifty look* watch a movie. Or some TV. Hah!
Happy me!
Snoopy dance! snoopy dance!