Harry Potter was entertaining. Ted was particularly pleased with the hippogryph (which was *awfully* cool) and the Patr.. pa.. you know. The shielding spell. After the movie we went for ice cream and went to the comic shop and deposited paychecks and detaily stuff like that, and then we came home and I brought Chanti on a walk in which we got too many bug bites and scurried away from the coastal trail to walk through the much less buggy neighborhood. Stupid, stupid bugs.
Now I’m up doing laundry, because I’m entirely out of underwear. I’ve known this was encroaching for days, yet did I do laundry? NooOOOOooo. Foolish Kit. :)
Things I did yesterday that were good for me: ate an orange, walked 2 miles. Things I will do today that are good for me: walk 2 miles, gym, eat 1-2 pieces of froot.
miles to Lothlorien: 19
It was very entertaining. I liked it quite a lot. :)