My sister needed a babysitter today–the daycare she’s been using got closed unexpectedly–so Mom flew down to Montana last night to watch the munchkin for her. I have such a cool family. :) Apparently if Dad can get a airline miles flight he’ll be going down to join them next weekend, after he RETIRES FROM HIS JOB, YAY DAD! Eheheheh!

Breic, when prompted to say Grandma, thinks saying Tractor is pretty funny. However, he was apparently glad to say ‘aunt Catie’ when shown the blue-tongued picture of me. :)

According to the USPS tracking thingy, my passport application couldn’t be delivered as addressed to the Irish Consulate. I must’ve miswritten the address. So now I’m waiting for it to come back to me. :P And I have to get Deirdre’s stuff together and send it down there so that while Mom’s down there they can get the detaily stuff taken care of and Deirdre can send her application out too.

Ted cooked THREE MEALS yesterday. Ruthlessly spoiled. RUTHLESSLY!

I’m a mean and awful wife, though, and just made him get out of bed. His sleep schedule’s been unbelievably screwed up since he and Dad went fishing last week, and he only took a 2 hour nap yesterday morning from about 5am to 7am, and then I wouldn’t let him go back to bed because it’d only perpetuate the madness. So he went to bed about 10:30 last night (he might’ve gone earlier, but we watched a movie, How to Deal, which was pretty good) and now I’ve made him get up so he doesn’t undo the goodness of having gone to bed at a sensible hour last night.

He brought the Audi over to the dealer yesterday and the radio is completely kaputz. It’ll have to be replaced; I’m personally inclined to do it with a not-Audi radio, because hello, the car is *already* fourteen years old, I don’t see the point in putting in an extra expensive Audi radio when an off brand one would do. And we’ll see what the deal with the speedometer is.

I’m almost done reading C.S. Friedman’s THE MADNESS SEASON. Re-reading, rather. I suppose I’m going to have to go dig THIS ALIEN SHORE out of the hardback boxes in the garage, because I’ve now (re-)read all her books this year except that one. Oh! That reminded me of the other thing I wanted to mention. :)

I actually worked on my shelves! In fact, the shelves themselves are now done, and I just need to sand and stain the brackets what I bought. I decided if I was prodding Ted about putting a fence up, I should probably get my act together about my own household project, and so I’m going to try to get the brackets done so the shelves can be put up next week on Shaun’s weekend. :)

miles to Lothlorien: 149

5 thoughts on “

  1. Can I borrow Ted to come and cook for a couple of days? Cooking while spinning = !fun.

    Nor is writing. *whang whang whang*

  2. I’ve read C.S. Friedman’s Coldfire Trilogy, In Conquest Born, and This Alien Shore. I think This Alien Shore is my favorite. Not sure why, I just really liked it. I need to re-read the Trilogy tho, it’s been AGES since I read it.

    BTW, the blueberry tongue picture was very cute! =)

  3. I remember that I *liked* it, I just didn’t *love* it. However, I suspect that it was just a bit dark for my tastes at the time. Since then my horizons have broadened and I enjoy darker stuff as much as I do lighter. I browbeat my hubby into reading it cause I knew he would like it (and we found all three at a used bookstore–whoopie!) and he loved it. So now I have more incentive to re-read it to see if I like it more.

    Of course, that is far more than you probably wanted to know. ;)

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