Ted’s mumbly and dadbly have headed back to Fairbanks, as Gary is doing just fine. We’re all very glad of it. :) Pretty weird, that you can have heart surgery via an incision in the hip.

Jai and Emily and I saw The Upside of Anger last night, and enjoyed it very much. I’d intended to do a double-header and go see The Interpreter, too, but the website seemed to indicate that such a thing wasn’t possible. Upon arriving at the theatre, it proved to be, so fnrt. Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to catch it sometime this weekend.

Weighed in this morning and finally actually saw a loss, which was nice. I didn’t eat all that well this last week, so I’m going to have to be more careful this week if I want to maintain (or better yet, improve on) that loss. Need to go back to swimming, too.

But I’m nearly to Rauros Falls. This will make the first time I’ve managed one of the legs of the Rivendell journey inside a calendar year, so I think that’s kind of cool.

If you’re having any trouble with the mizkit.com layout, reload it.

Oh, and there’s an excerpt from Banshee Cries posted now.

miles to Rauros Falls: 352

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