A small goodness is that we got our applications to get our Alaska student loans refinanced put in the mail yesterday (yesterday being the first day it was possible to get the applications), so hopefully we’ll get that and we’ll be able to nail a BIG FAT INTEREST RATE DROP (from up to 9% down to 5.8%) and that’ll do wonders for our finances. That’d rock.
A much larger goodness is that Ted’s work is no longer strangling him to death, and he’s been able to come home early the last couple of days and he’s catching up on his sleep and starting to feel more human. Yay!
And wretched Iago has given me an idea for another paranormal romance book/series. Nf! :)
Hey! No starting new projects until you finish my other books first! :)
I need more time to write! augh! :)
I hear ya. Iiiii hear ya. Start an idea file like mine. No, really. It’ll scare you. :)
I have an idea file! But augh! augh! augh! :)
hey – AK student loan reduction? why didn’t i know about this? is there a link to the app? :) i love you!
The form is at http://www.state.ak.us/acpe/pub/03ConsolApp.pdf for downloading. You have to print it out and fill it out and send it in. Do it very very quickly, because they don’t have a lot of money to consolidate with this year so it’s first come first serve. Waste no time!