

I finaled in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ contest again! This time with RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND! I’m all surprised! Wow! COOL!

Of course, I can’t go to the conference this year, ’cause it’s the weekend of Laura’s wedding, but cool anyway! Eee! And argh! And eee! And wow! And stuff like that! Eee!

Damn. I do wish I could go, because Angles is YA, and there are agents who’ll be there who rep YA, and so far as I can tell, it’s near impossible to break into the YA market without an agent. OTOH, at least I’ve got a contest credit with this novel now, so maybe that’ll provide a little sit-up-and-notice for query letters. Hope springs eternal. :)

9 thoughts on “!!!

  1. I am so not surprised! Congratulations! And tell them to hurry up so that you can win a Newberry. :)

  2. Wow! I’ve so got to get around to reading this thing comma damnit. Then I can loftily mention I was one of the lucky folks who got to read it before publishing, when I’m hanging around your scifi con panels. ^_^

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