a glance of water

Didn’t get up very early this morning, but got up early enough to put Silkie’s edits into the US ms, and the first 5 chapters of Sarah’s edits. V. good. Mom says she’s got her edits done and I’m going over tonight to steal the manuscript whether Dad likes it or not, because the fewer copies of the bloody ms that I have to bring with me to SF, the better. I would .so. .very. .much. like to get this thing into the mail Saturday night or Sunday morning before I leave for California. (The 24 hour post office next to the airport does make this a more likely possibility than, um, non-24-hour post offices.)

I am so close to finished that I’m just itching with impatience to get people’s notes so I can *send* the damned thing and have done with it.

So far my favorite error is one Silkie caught, where Jo goes to get “a glance of water.” :)

miles to Rivendell: 448 (10 more!)

2 thoughts on “a glance of water

  1. If you want, I can type you up a quick list of edits thus far. I’m trying to look mainly for continuity and things that make me go, “huh?” and there’s not a ton of it. I’ll have the full version to you by your version of morning tomorrow, but if you want the interim bits, lemme know.

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