Ok, I think I’m all caught up on my comics and my friends and my email and everything. Whew. I also have the hiccups. Hic. Hic.
It’s been a very *nice* vacation, even if it wasn’t expected. We went out to the Lyse’s on Sunday and then a bunch of family came in for dinner on Monday, and we played croquet until the game was declared over by Chantico, who had been VERY GOOD and kept running after the balls as we whacked them around, but didn’t pick any up until I’d gotten to the final wickets and was perfectly lined up to hit the ball through the wickets and whack the pole, and THEN she picked up my ball and ran around the yard with it and wouldn’t let anybody get near enough to her to take it away. *laugh* It was pretty funny. :)
Jai and I went to see Hero on Saturday, which was lots of fun. I liked it better the second time, in fact, ’cause I was prepared for the slow pacing and could enjoy it more. Oh, and we gave her the Ursula print she’d liked so much as a housewarming gift, and she was very surprised and pleased by that! So that was fun. :)
I’m closing in on 50K on the HoS rewrite, which is a complete pain in the ass. I’ve moved a bunch of stuff around fairly significantly and am writing in a whole new plot line, and as I told Sarah and Ted, this is sort of like putting together a jigsaw puzzle with the wrong picture on the box to work from. I know what it /used/ to look like; holding in my head what it used to look like and combining that with what it needs to now look like is hard work. Both Sarah and Ted thought it was pretty funny when I said if Jenn doesn’t like it better when I’m done with it, I’m going to kill myself. :)
I leave for the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers conference tomorrow (and I’m dithering about whether I want to take books or the laptop on the plane with me tomorrow. Hours of enforced rewriting would probably be very good for me. OTOH, it might just make me crabby, and I don’t know how the frigging TSA is about laptops these days), so I’m effectively out of work for this entire week. That doesn’t suck. :) I’m having dinner tomorrow night with Luna authors Christie Golden and Robin Owens, which I think will be fun! and then will have a hopefully-inspiring conference weekend.
Let’s see, what else. Walked 20 miles over my days off, and we watched the rest of season 1 MI-5 which Aberdeen had lent us, and yesterday we bought season 3 Alias and watched the first couple episodes last night. I’m doing laundry in preparation for flying away tomorrow, and…that’s about it!
miles to Lothlorien: 237
ytd wordcount: 223,000
Take the friggin’ laptop.
I think they just make you turn it on or something. At any rate, when I went to WW, there were people taking laptops through the “security” point, and hardly any of them were hustled off at gunpoint.
But the RMFW contest judges are wimps!
They make you remove your laptop from its case. And they run it through their x-ray machine. That’s all I’ve seen them do.
They just made me take the laptop out of the bag.
So – What did you think of MI-5?
I misssssssssssssssssssssssed you!
I really like MI-5. Darn British TV that takes forever to come out in the US.
I *really* enjoyed MI-5. AUGH! O.O