
Okay. I’m on a bit of a reading binge lately, which means I’ve read, I don’t know, five or six books in the last week, which is really nice. But I decided that I wanted to read Guy Gavriel Kay’s LAST LIGHT OF THE SUN this weekend (hear that, Laura?), which means I need to do the HoS edits over the next 3 days so I can reward myself with LLotS.

The last couple books I’ve read have both been Mercedes Lackey books (I think I’ve read 4 of her books this year, which is more than I’ve read in *years* and years), and one of them, her Luna book, THE FAIRY GODMOTHER, was particularly charming. I enjoyed it far, *far* more than I expected I would–it’s about a young woman who is meant to be a Cinderella, but who thwarts the magical Tradition that empowers the 500 Kingdoms, and who becomes a fairy godmother instead. It’s completely wonderful. I hope there’ll be more. :)

I have also–again because of Luna–discovered Judith Tarr. Why did no one tell me about Tarr’s books years ago? I’m trying to find all the books in the series of hers I started–I’ve read THE DEVIL’S BARGAIN, which is the second of what I think are a fairly loosely related series of four (and maybe eventually more). Really good stuff.

And Christie Golden gave me a copy of INSTRUMENT OF FATE, which fits into the KING’S MAN AND THIEF world, so I’m going to read that very soon too, as I just re-read KMaT and I still like it very, very much. Perhaps if I’m particularly studious about doing my edits I can read it Thursday. :)

That’s the sort of day it’s been. It’s raining, I made bread and dinner, and spent a few hours curled up with the cats and a good book. Not a bad life, ladies and gents. Not a bad life a’tall.

4 thoughts on “ok

  1. AAAAH! It just WOULD have to be THIS weekend. I have all kinds of craziness happening this weekend (Halloween stuff, mostly) and have a major dissertation draft due next week so…um…probably not. Maybe I’ll read it after the draft is due. We can still chat about the book even if we read it a few days apart.

  2. Oh, well, would next weekend be better? I can read it later. I read faster than you do, after all. Although I read GGK a lot slower than I read most books.

  3. Next weekend (the 6th?) would be FAR superior. I have a nice, long train ride to DC…

  4. Next week it is, then! But I still gotta get HoS edited this week. I’ll read something else rewarding this weekend. :)

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