I have no fewer than three complete book manuscripts piled on my desk. I also have bills, a computer (besides the one I’m using right now, I mean, and a camera, along with various and sundry other junk. A Harlequin excerpt agreement, which I need to put in the file folder. A memory stick. A bowl with the remains of the da oatmeal. An unopened envelope with someone’s comics in it. Notes for correcting BANSHEE CRIES, one of the three manuscripts on the desk.
Okay. HoS ms can go … somewhere else. Possibly the garbage; I don’t need this copy anymore.
Oh look, stamps. *puts those away*
This may take a few minutes. :)
Got a massage last night, which was wonderufl although it doesn’t seem to have done lots of overall good for the state of my stiff neck (peanut gallery comments are not welcome). Then hitched myself over to Bear Tooth, where I met up with Dad and we watched Spider-Man II. Some idiot had brought a very little child to the show, and the kid was rightfully terrified during the incredibly scary and awful Doc Ock hospital scene. Poor baby. *I* think that scene’s unnecessarily scary and awful. But aside from that, man, I do love that movie. Although superheroes sure do cause a lot of property damage. :)
Ok, back to cleaning up the desk so I can deal with copy edits. :)
Oh, and, hey: I posted an excerpt from URBAN SHAMAN yesterday.
miles to Lothlorien: 361
current music: Ain’t noffin but a HOUN’ GOG!
He *had* to put that scene in because it was an homage to the Evil Dead movies. And the director had to satisfy his own fans, as well as the Spidey fans. :)
However, I’ll agree that it might have been a little excessive for kids.
YAY excerpt!
Can I make one small suggestion though? Can you HTMLize it? Might make it easier for reading (without potential screen scrolling) and it’ll tie it in more neatly to the look of the rest of your site.
Just a thought! Feel free to disregard.
Hey, what’s up with the Audi?
Actually, Trent, although I’ve never seen the Evil Dead movies, I assumed that’s exactly what it was. I still thought it was a bad idea.
…I didn’t think about the screen scrolling thing, Sarah. Demmit. I’d decided it was too much of a pain in the ass to bother just so it’d look like everything else. Feh. Ok, I’ll probably fix it. :)
Jai: See above. -.-