Friday there was no gaming, ’cause Cap’n Jack had a squadron function to go to, so we went to The Incredibles instead. Much fun. (Must write up last weekend’s game.) Saturday we intended to go see 1776 with my parents, but it turned out there were no tickets, so we had dinner at Mom & Dad’s followed by hours of political discourse. Also very fun. :)
Oh, and I accidentally repierced my left ear. o.O I had an itch on my ear and I poked it and the ear hole sort of went “popskrtch!” and there was goo on my fingers (not pus, just goo, like liquid skin) and I went upstairs all befuddled-like and put an earring into the hole, which had been half closed the last time I tried, months and months ago, and it just went right in. o.O So I guess I don’t have to actually repierce it when I break 180. (How’s that lunch, Trent?)
Sunday we went to see Alfie, which was not the romantic comedy we thought it was going to be (o.O again), and so then, somewhat traumatized, we came home and watched 10 Things I Hate About You, which restored our equalibrium. :)
It has not, in other words, been a very exciting weekend. :)
Yum. :)
Congratulations on Balin’s Tomb, by the way. :)
From the reviews I’ve been watching and reading, Alfie’s definitely got some true-to-the-original (it’s a remake) going on with it, in that the original lothario Alfie still lives through to today. It’s just that the women of today are allowed to be a lot smarter, and they’re all wise to Alfie’s game in this one.
I have a feeling I’d respect the movie and the story and the performances, but yeah, by this point, I wouldn’t have tossed it under the romantic comedy heading — which is nevertheless how it’s been marketed.
This is, I guess, part of why I am a review junkie at times — even if reviews aren’t spin-free, they at least give me a second spun data point, so I can safely conclude the movie’s somewhere in the middle.
I have a feeling that the marketing for _Closer_ is a lot more honest (and honestly of the two it’s the one I’m more interested in seeing). Plus, more Jude Law!
eewww. that’s gross, about the ear. :P ;)
Good, I’m glad I grossed somebody out. :)
Fred–I frequently wait to read reviews until after I’ve seen the movie, but oi, in this case it might’ve been a good idea. Although the review I did read didn’t exactly dispell the idea it was a romcom. It didn’t support it, but it didn’t really dispell it. It was a good movie. It just reaaaallly wasn’t what we expected. :)