I do not like my new glasses. They still don’t seem to sit on my nose quite right, and while they do avoid the problem that my other glasses have, which is that there is enough glasses at the top to not have to tilt my head back at the movie theatre, they instead have nothing like enough lens at the bottom, and so if I look down everything goes blurry. Obviously I need bigger lenses.
I’ve never returned glasses before. Does one just return ’em and trade ’em in, or…what? I got them at Lenscrafters, which is a very friendly place, anyway…
Ted and I went to see Ocean’s 12 yesterday afternoon. I don’t think I liked it quite as much as Ocean’s 11, but it was a reasonably entertaining caper film. Then we watched the primere episode of Lost, which they were replaying in order to stuff an hour’s worth of commercials into it. Seriously. They made it a 2 hour event, but it was only a 1 hour show, which means at the best it was 48 minutes, and the other 72 minutes was commercials. I *may* watch it next week if they aren’t making it another 2 hour event. Otherwise I’ll wait for the DVD.
Speaking of which, they were advertising Alias as starting a whole new season in January. Is that correct, or is it really halfway through the season and they’re switching it to a new night so they’re trying to make it seem extra special?
Ok, I think that about used up my TV geeking for like, months. I’m going to go find my other glasses and write a chapter.
miles to Lothlorien: 416
> They made it a 2 hour event, but it was only a 1 hour show, which means at the best it was 48 minutes, and the other 72 minutes was commercials
Blinkies. Odd. The Pilot episode I saw was a 2 hour ‘TV-movie’ type of format, with 1.5 hours of material.
Now I obviously need to go home tonight and check to see what all got shown last night…
I was surfing LJ and came across your LJ which led me to check out your site.
Yes, Alias Season 4 starts in Jan 2005. They will basically be showing the whole season without repeats until the season finale in May. Alias got bumped to mid-season because ABC wanted to try out Desperate Housewives on Sundays. I’m just grumbling that there will be no new Lost until Feb 2005.
Ben got glasses at Lenscrafters and decided he didn’t like them. He took them back and told them that. They let him pick out new frames, made new lenses to fit them, and refunded him the difference (the new ones were a cheaper frame). No questions were asked and they were quite cheerful about the whole thing. If you hate yours, go chat with them.
Alix–huh. Maybe it was an hour and a half show, but it really didn’t seem like it. There were an *awful* lot of commercials. I mean, there’d be like 3 minutes of show, then 5 minutes of commercials, then 3 minutes of show… It got slightly better toward the end, when there’d be 7 minutes of show and 4 minutes of commercials.
David–Welcome! And thanks! Perhaps I’ll start watching Alias on TV now. Although I donno, the whole TV on DVD thing is so much more convienent. :)
Laura–Cool. I will. Stoopid glasses. *sulk*
Since you mentioned it, I was paying attention when I watched Lost last night. They seemed to have the longer bits all at the beginning and end with extremely short bits at the middle.
For instance, the first commercial break didn’t come until 21 minutes into the show. The second after another 11 minutes of show. And at the end, they had longer bits of show before breaks. There was one memorable time when they had 2 minutes of show before the next break.
I do wonder why they decided to do it like that though. It was a little odd.