I think I just hit critical mass with this book. I fi-i-i-i-inally got people moving again and I had a fun scene and then an emotional bit that ended in people pulling guns (you can’t beat that!), and I am feeling happy about being able to finish this book now! On to Moscow! Three chapters left! Doom! Betrayal! Romance! More doom! *cheerful*

Marith and I just had a total Dark is Rising geekathon. Life is good. :)

Uhm. Uhm! We went over to Mom and Dad’s for dinner last night, ’cause it was Mom’s birthday. We had really yummy roast chicken (which Ted carved and which my father admired profusely) and deviled cauliflower which was SO GOOD! and stuffing with chicken gravy and for dessert I made a spice cake which I was very, very happy with. I have found me a good spice cake recipe. :)

And now, thank God, I am back on no sweets. Lent Begins Again!

miles to Lothlorien: 435
ytd wordcount: 30,600 (yay! 30K!)
music: When the Dark comes rising, six shall turn it back…

3 thoughts on “WHEW.

  1. Nobody’s really going to test read this one, except the people who read the rough draft as it’s in progress. I don’t have time. :)

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