good grief

Good grief. I just got about a hundred more cover flats in the mail. To go with the forty or so I already had. What the heck do you suppose I should do with all these things?

Went to the chiro. Feel much, much better now. Except for being sort of paranoid about going back to Little to write, ’cause I don’t want my arm to go all owie again. Feh. :P

miles to Lothlorien: 442.5

4 thoughts on “good grief

  1. What’s a cover flat?
    Man, I’m never gonna catch up with Kit-on-treadmill-to-Lothlorien!

  2. A cover flat is a copy of the cover for URBAN SHAMAN without a book inside it. It’s got a bunch of “why you want to order this book” information printed on the interior covers, for booksellers.

  3. Wallpaper some-little used room in the house and let any unsuspecting people who walk in there think you are obsessive?

  4. > A cover flat is a copy of the cover for URBAN SHAMAN without a book inside it. It’s got a bunch of “why you want to order this book” information printed on the interior covers, for booksellers.

    I guess the next question is ‘and why do they think they need to send you 100 of them?’

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