more memes

Ok, the varation on the meme theme today is:

List five fictional people — from television, movies, books, whatever — that you wanted to be, as a child or an early teen.

1. Menolly
2. Hari-sol
3. Spider-Man
4. Will Stanton
5. Robin Hood (from Disney’s movie. Yes. The fox.)

Anyone who knows me at all should find it perfectly obvious that as an adult I wish to grow up to be Rogue.

Although, really, with the possible exception of Harimad, I don’t really want to *be* those people. Never did. I just want to participate in their worlds as their friends. Be in the know, as it were (that’s why it sucked to be Jonathan in the Buffy universe: he knew what was going on, but he wasn’t one of the Scoobies). Is that extra Mary-Sue of me?

So, my own take on the meme:

Name five fictional worlds which you would like to be a part of, as basically yourself. (Note: I figure “basically yourself” allows for any obvious variations on the theme that would allow you to properly fit in to the world you were entering. I’m really thinking, you know, personality, likes and dislikes, all of that, being intact, rather than you suddenly waking up in the X-Universe as Jean Grey. You could be a mutant if you wanted, but you still won’t like liver. :))

1. Marvel universe
2. Heinlein’s expanded universe
3. Highlander universe
4. ElfQuest
5. …wow. Choosing a final one is hard. I think I’ll go with the Dark is Rising world.

And, just to round things out, since, as we were just discussing on Too, a lot of crushes don’t get counted in the kid-version of this meme:

List five fictional people — from television, movies, books, whatever — that you have a crush on RIGHT NOW!

1. Methos
2. Spider-Man
3. Wolverine
4. Gambit
5. Jareth

2 thoughts on “more memes

  1. First, I’m prompted by your post to do a meme on my blog, which I never do. Then you make me remember that one of my biggest crushes as a kid was, er, that fox Robin Hood. Which I’d completely forgotten about. And now I may have to do this new memeness, because it’s interesting. You’re doing pretty well. o.O

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