I once more defeated entropy and got up and walked this morning, even though I didn’t get up til late. Must re-adjust my sleep schedule to earlier hours. And then, THEN! I lifted weights. Go ME! *flexes mightily* So I’m very cheerful this morning, ’cause I’ve exercised.
Oh. I opened a new bag of cat food this morning. I realize nobody else cares about this, but I want to see how long a bag lasts, and being able to search my website on ‘new bag of cat food’ will be much easier than, y’know, like, trying to remember. :)
Uhm! Email from Jenn this morning. ANGLES was passed on by one of the houses she sent it to, on the utterly impersonal “not right for our target age group” line. Well, okay, I mean, there’s really nothing I can do about *that*. So it’s going off to another house, and meantime is still with the new editor at Tor. Everyone think happy purchasing thoughts for it, okay?
*looks around cheerfully* All right. I need to awaken the great slumbering Ted (poor guy is sick), shower, and attack some edits as if they were a hot fudge brownie sundae.
…and maybe eat breakfast. :)
Well? Did you make it to Lothlorien??
I made it to Lothlorien YESTERDAY!
Whoo-hoo! Catie’s in Lothlorien!! Congrats!!
Where are you going next?
Rauros Falls! 389 miles!
You’re going to use up all of the book buying karma and then there won’t be any left for the rest of us. I just know it. :)