ok. saner now.

Ok. A little saner today. I sent off the title ideas to Matrice last night and just finished writing my bio for the press release. I decided that today I’m going to take care of as much of the non-fiction-writing writerly stuff as possible today, so the next thing to do is … more OtherWorlds stuff. I must try to write “Urbane Shaman”, although I have no idea what to do with it. It’s only supposed to be about a thousand words, which is hardly time enough to get started.

I also need lunch and to walk the dog and fold some laundry. Not in any particular order.

2 thoughts on “ok. saner now.

  1. Have I mentioned I love those little X-men quotes you’re doing every day. *giggles*

  2. Actually, it’s a random quote generator, so every time you reload the page it’ll be different. :) There’s a lot of X-Men stuff in there, but it’s not all X. :)

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