One of the problems with the days getting so long (compounded by stupid, *stupid* daylight savings) is that there’s all this bright evening (it’s 9:34 as I type this sentence, and the sky is twilighty but not dark yet) and I feel like I should be out *doing* things. But I’d already walked 3 miles and written 2300 words and it’d gotten pretty windy so I didn’t really want to go biking, and besides I’ve got a crampy knot in my calf already so it seemed like biking would be overdoing it. I’m apparently in writer-head, because reading isn’t an appealing prospect (which SUCKS), I don’t feel like sitting in front of computer or tv screens to watch movies or read news, and the prospect of playing a computer game makes me curl my lip with distaste.
So I just spent nearly an hour working out in the garage, out of sheer boredom. This is an act of desperation, and I mean, come on. How lame is that? Reduced to working out just so I’ve got something to do? I need a life. o.O
ytd wordcount: 77,300
miles to Rauros Falls: 138
Welcome to my world! Exercise is what I get to do as a treat (when dissertating) or when I get intensely bored at work.
I have a little note in my calendar that you and Ted may be out in this part of the world in early September. Is that the case or is that cancelled because of your darling ex-employer’s machinations?
I don’t know right now what’s going on in September. We are theoretically going to my friend Spidey’s wedding on the 10th, but with the money situation, I no longer know if that’s really happening. I’ll let people know as soon as we do.
Yes, we are sharing a life. :)
If you decide to come out this way, definitely let me know. And if you are able to tack an extra day on to your trip, really, REALLY let me know. Boston is less than 2 hours from where I live and I think it would be a great deal of fun to hang out, show you around, and just play. I’ll buy you dinner someplace spiffy (Laura says in an obvious bribe attempt).
I will be up there for that same wedding Catie mentioned, and I will pretty definitely be there, so you should plan on a jaunt to Boston for dinner sometime that weekend, regardless. :)