FBI raid across the street!

So there’s this mean man who lives across the circle from us. He’s got a southern accent so strong he sounds like he’s not speaking English, and I’ve never heard him utter a sentence that didn’t have at least one swear word in it. He’s got a pit bull sort of dog that he yells at all the time, and he’s constantly buying new toys: cars, ATVs, boats, stereo equipment, you name it. He’s got security cameras all over the outside of his house, and he never smiles.

Yesterday I left for my walk and there were a *lot* of cars, including a police car, sitting around his house and across the street. Apparently while I was on my walk, I missed the FBI coming in with battering rams and shields and yellow-emblazoned FBI jackets and storming his house. When I came back around, there were even more cars, and a big white van had been pulled up to his garage and they were loading Stuff into it, and just after I walked by, three vehicles drove away, all with very clean-cut nice-looking men in them (some of the FBI agents, apparently). For the rest of the afternoon, the van was there, and there were people in and out and clearing stuff away.

We’d been talking about this guy just a few days before, and Ted said, “I think he’s a drug dealer.” We’re pretty sure he was right, at this point. We’re waiting to see the story in the paper. O.O

3 thoughts on “FBI raid across the street!

  1. Drug dealer? Wouldn’t those have been DEA guys instead of FBI?

  2. I’ve entertained the idea of arms dealer, too. I expect we’ll find out whenever it hits the papers. hope so, ’cause I’m all curious. :)

  3. > Drug dealer? Wouldn’t those have been DEA guys instead of FBI?

    C’mon, Catie, you’re the one writing grand sweeping CIA stuff, I would think you’d know the answer to this. :)

    However, I think the DEA is mostly involved with keeping drugs out of the country? Local cops deal with local drug dealers. While the FBI would be involved if it was crossing state lines or breaking federal laws.

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