
I had a very, very nice birthday. My boys got me some sapphire earrings and Phantom and a gift certificate to the comic shop, and my mumbly and dadbly got me the first season of La Femme Nikita, which I’ve wanted for years, and Shaun’s mumbly and dadbly got me a B&N gift certificate and Ted’s mumbly and dadbly got me a *gorgeous* flower bouquet, and Deirdre got the copy of the book that I sent her and laughed so hard she cried at page 75. :)

Mom made roast chicken and we all got together for dinner and it was deeelicious and I made a german chocolate cake and it was deeeelicious and I really got nothing practical done all day, but I had a very good time.

I also got the copy edits on CARDINAL RULE, and I expect another copy of the ms today with Matrice’s notes copied more legibly, so I know what I’ll be doing for the next three or four days.

I also now know what I’ll be doing in Seattle. I’ll post that in the next entry. :)

3 thoughts on “birthday!

  1. Also for your birthday:

    I walked into Books Inc. on Castro and said “Where is your Urban Shaman? What? You have no Urban Shaman? Well, you must ORDER me some Urban Shaman and I will then purchase it from you.”

    Because, my birthday present to you is to buy your book for me! :)

    And now maybe hopefully they will get EXTRA copies and put it in their store.


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