
Thinks to do today:

1. make cheesecake
2. go to chiro
3. do 50 pages of copy edits

I have to make with the small steps today, or it’ll be TRIBBLES EVERYWHERE!

(It would be Kitlings, but frankly, Kitlings don’t have the panic-stricken mode that I’m associating with electrocuted tribbles. Nothing intimidates Kitlings. Nothing.)

(I really need somebody to do a page full of Kitlings for me, someday.)

3 thoughts on “thinks

  1. Hi! I’ve been cursing you for a good 15 minutes. I just finished an almost non-stop devouring of Urban Shaman and there’re No More! At least til fall (tho’ probably longer for us in Canada and I don’t do credit card/web stuff). I really, really enjoyed your book. The dialogue, the imagery and the gritty realism. I know, odd to say realism about a work involving high magic and such, but in so many fantasy books you get the hero/ine who has all the right lines and knows it all (or the sidekick does) without messing up her hair. I lived the story with Jo, like I was inside the action.

    My fave authors include: Elizabeth Moon, Mercedes Lackey, MZB, David Weber, Tanya Huff. And now you.

    Wow and thank you.

  2. Ahem. I always start knowing what I want to say, and it frequently comes out slightly twisted (made sense in my head…). When I say I was cusing you, I mean it in a good way. LOVED the book, want more.

  3. *laugh* I took away “I liked it” out of “I was cursing you,” don’t worry. :)

    I’m delighted you enjoyed the book so much! Thanks for letting me know!

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