My, that was easy.

My, that was easy. One stet in 80K. Copy edits are done, now to deal with the revisions, which I think are actually going to be pretty minor. I figure it’ll take two or three passes to do them properly (by which time I’ll never want to look at the book again), but then they’ll be done and I’ll be able to send them *before* I go to Seattle, which would be awfully good.

*Man* it’s gorgeous out there. Chanti and I walked three miles (at about 2.5 miles she looked at me like, “Aren’t we home yet?”) and I can’t wait to go biking this afternoon. Yay!

Ok, some kind of lunch thing, then a revisions pass. *scoot*

miles to Rauros Falls: 264.5

5 thoughts on “My, that was easy.

  1. Yay Catie on getting the copy edits done. I finished Urban Shaman. I really enjoyed it and look forward to further adventures with Jo :)

  2. Cool, So to date, Banshee Cries is ready for print. Cardinel Rule is half way ready for print. Urban Shaman is on the way to the Best sellers List. U rock!!

  3. Hello Catie! I’m back from vacation and catching up on comments to the author bloggin post. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    I’ve been reading your journal (in lurkdom) for over a year now and can’t wait for Urban Shaman to come out.



    You should be able to find US in the stores now! And if you can’t, harrass the store! :)

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