Okay, here’s the hurtful truth of the matter.
I didn’t even go in with the painful spark of inevitable doom that I had with X-Men, the one that knew it was just going to suck but knowing that I had to see it anyway, and that all my hopes and dreams were going to be crushed like the pathetic bugs they were.
It was *worse* than that: I went in not caring. The only reason I went to see it was because Ted really really wanted to, but I mean, come on, Bruce Wayne’s origin story, BFD, I KNOW how he got to be Batman, could we PLEASE just skip this shit? I’ve had ENOUGH of the origin stories already. I just didn’t care.
And I came out a believer.
I think they really had me at Gary Oldman as Gordon. I knew, the moment he came on the screen, that he was Gordon; I was less certain he was Gary Oldman. Before that, I was pretty pleased with the movie, but from there on out I was theirs.
I still don’t think Bale’s got the jaw for it. I thought Katie Holmes looked like a stroke victim for half the film. But I didn’t care. By the climactic scene, I was slavering for a Batman and Superman movie, and hell, Superman doesn’t even come *out* until next summer. I loved it. I will see it again. I can’t believe it. They actually pulled it off. And pulled me in. And as Ted said of the Batmobile, “It may not be sexy, but it has *balls*!”
Dear Lord but Cillian Murphy is a beautiful boy.
Wow. So *totally* pleased. Can’t stand it, will discuss spoilers behind the cut tag.
current music: ~I’m a Believer~
The one mistake I thought they made was in shattering the graphite cowl and then not having it shatter in the climactic fight with Ra’s Al Ghul. That was the classic gun in the first act setup, and they didn’t use it in the final act. Yeah, yeah, they said it’d be fixed in the next batch of 10K, but we didn’t get notice that the next batch had come in, so that was my only bitch about it.
And speaking of Ra’s Al Ghul–ahahahahah! (Sorry, that’s too big a spoiler to spell out!)
Do you suppose they cast the Scarecrow (Cillian Murphy) to look like Superman on *purpose*?
Very pleased with the circular lines: Rachel’s to Bruce, fed back to her by Batman; Fox and Earle; Bruce and Ducard. Very nice; I like that kind of thing.
The little boy–Robin?
It looks like a good movie! Glad to hear that it was :)
So did you have Rogue-hair? And is there a third X-men movie out, or was the horror for number 2? I’m all out of the loop when it comes to movies…
I don’t have Rogue hair yet, no. And the 3rd X movie is due out in May 2006. THe one I was afraid of was the first one! :)
You know, I didn’t even think about the smoking gun of the shattered mask because I assumed that it had just been replaced.
So either my plot fu is weaker than usual, or my brain works differently or .. well. Yeah.
And actually, I thought Bale’s cheekbones would kill the Batman look, but I thought his jaw and mouth worked just fine.
Yeaaaah, they set it up for it being replaced with the whole “second order” comment, but since we never *saw* the new order come in, I was waiting for the mask to shatter. Ah well.
Once in the bat-suit his jaw worked just fine. I think it might really have been the cheekbones I was worried about, now that you point it out. :)