writing is hard

Writing is hard. Actually, it’s not so much writing is hard as getting back into writing after what’s effectively although not deliberately been about a month off. I know what I’m doing with the story, I’ve got the beginning scraps of this chapter started, and so far this morning I’ve opened all my files, looked them over, played enough games of solitaire to win, and had breakfast.

However, the weather report says it’s supposed to be in the mid-seventies today, it’s beautiful out already, and I must write 3K because this book is due in 15 days. So off I go to wrestle my brain into submission and to make the words come whether they want to or not. :)

And hey, I had two pieces of fan mail this morning, so life can’t be all bad!

thinks to do today:

1. write
2. post office
3. bonk
4. chiro
5. laundry
6. walk

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