nice day

’twas a good day. I got my 3K in, walked, and Shaun and I had a nice bonding experience of scraping wallpaper together. Well, at the same time, anyway. And the bonding was the wallpaper glue. But the kitchen wall is now *clear* of wallpaper. Next step: strip the paint from one or more of the cabinet doors and see what kind of condition the wood beneath is in. I’m hoping it looks nice enough that we can strip them, give ’em a light sanding and a coat of stain all around and make the entire kitchen look totally different. That and new handles will go miles in making the place look muuuuch nicer. And then we’re going to change the light fixture in there, because it’s awful. Muahahaha.

This evening we went to see “Howl’s Moving Castle”, which we were all charmed by. As Marith said, for an anime hero, Howl is positively *dripping* with masculinity. Of course, it’s rather helped, I think, by the fact that he’s voiced by Batman actor Christian Bale. (I *thought* that was Bale! Smug me!)

Bedtime now. Must get up and churn out more words. Churn churn churn.

miles to Rauros Falls: 292
ytd wordcount: 143,400
music in my head: Wilson Phillips, “You’re in love” (Why, God, why?)

2 thoughts on “nice day

  1. You musta missed my review of the movie, cuz I was drooling every time Howl spoke. :)

    Glad you liked it, though!

  2. Wasn’t so much missed it as I don’t usually read people’s reviews until after I’ve seen the movies. Hee hee!

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