Redesigning my webpage has not made me fifteen pounds lighter or finished the book, but aside from the fact that there’s a bunch of detail work I still need to do, it’s made me somewhat happier.
So, too, did Deborah and Lisa making me go swim yesterday morning. 2000 or 2200 yards (I lost count a little) and then walking home restored my equalibrium a bit. There’s lap swim Monday and Wednesday from 11-12 and Saturday from 10-11. Given how much better it made me feel, I am now committed to going there 3 times a week. Good thing I redesigned my webpage instead of bleaching my hair.
Jai and her mom and daughter and I went to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants yesterday. “Yaya for the younger generation?” Deborah asked, and yeah, basically, except I think it was better than Divine Secrets. I did not expect it to be a crying movie, but the last third was one emotional trauma after another. Really good, though.
Everybody was very, very tentative around me yesterday. You’d think I’d had a temper tantrum in my publically readable journal, or something.
All right. Lunch, walk, and work. *scoots*
ytd yards swum: 16,200
miles to Rauros Falls: 300
Keep with the redesigning, Catie. The left side panel extends over half your blog in my IE 6.XXX, which means I can’t read a thing!
…odd. I’m using an IE 6, too, and it works fine. Thanks for the heads up.
I like the newer changes. Besides Redheads are cuter(sexier) and smarter than Blondes!Proudfit