out of sorts

Ted and Shaun have gotten their weekends aligned, so now weekends at my house are Thursday and Friday, which is better than the Tuesday-Friday weekends that I was experiencing with them being on different schedules. However, it meant I stayed up much too late last night and slept in too late this morning and don’t want to do anything of consequence today.

Add to that the fact that my parents got burgled last night and I’m definitely out of sorts. :P

We went to see War of the Worlds last night, ’cause it was the household’s Friday night, and it was better than I expected it to be. I actually thought it was probably the best *acting* job I’ve ever seen Tom Cruise do. (Ted said, “Well, he was up against Dakota Fanning. He had to do something.”)

Poor Zilli. Last night he was running around the house like a mad thing and he came charging into the computer room, leapt up on my desk and lunged for my monitor. Unfortunately, my monitor is now about an inch deep instead of eighteen inches deep, so there was nothing for him to land on. I have never seen a cat look so completely WHAT THE FUCK!?! as he did. He managed to use the one paw that had any leverage on the monitor to jolt off to the side where he could land on my scanner instead of crashing ignominiously to the desk behind the monitor, but the poor, *poor* cat. It was very funny. :)

I think I’m going to go take a walk and try to get my sorts back in order.

miles to Rauros Falls: 308.5

2 thoughts on “out of sorts

  1. *LAUGH* Oh my god, picturing Zilli is the funniest thing I’ve seen/heard/read this week. Laughing my ass off over here, glad he can’t hear me and look indignant.

    Sorry to hear about your parents, that’s awful! Hell of a welcome, that.

  2. Much like Angie, the image of Zilli’s reaction made me snicker…

    …and my thoughts about your parents were “jeez. Welcome to Ireland, yank. Now we’re going to steal all your stuff.”

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