very weary

I’ve been extremely on-edge all day for some reason. It is wearing.

Paint stripping has had an unintended consequence. My back is more screwed up than it’s been in a long time. I’m not really doing all that badly, but I’m the worst my current chiro has ever seen me, and he got a bit wild-eyed about it and started talking physical therapy and doing another x-ray to see what kind of shape the bones are in (which is acceptable to me because 1. I’d been thinking it a few minutes before he suggested it, and 2. he’s doing his twice-a-year special so that people without insurance can actually afford x-rays). I told him that the condition I was in is *nothing* compared to where I began, or where I was the last time I had a bad spell, but it’s still the worst he’s seen me, and frankly, if it jars him into pointing me toward a PT who can give me exercises to strengthen these muscles so this fucking well stops happening, then I’m glad. I am *tired* of being broken. I have been dealing with this for three years (and didn’t deal with it for over a year before that). I want it *fixed*.

OTOH, as soon as the novocaine wore off I forgot I’d had a cavity filled, so that’s something, anyway. I mean, literally as soon as. Ted and I went out for dinner and afterward I was like, “Oop, I was supposed to be careful of chewing on that side of my mouth, I forgot.” Fortunately, we went out for Chinese, so the food was pretty soft anyway. :)

I also accidentally bought a new pair of glasses today. I’ll pick them up tomorrow and take a picture. They are SASSY.

In high school I exercised 10-15 hours a week almost constantly. I’d like to get back to that. The last 4 months I’ve averaged 8 hours a week, which is pretty good, but not where I want to be yet.

Jai asked if I had any big plans for when I hit my weight loss goal. What I’ve wanted to do since, oh, 1992, was if I ever managed to get below 150, to then hire a personal trainer for 6 weeks or 3 months or whatever it took, and to get into Linda Hamilton T2 shape. I would like for once in my life to be in just that sort of *insane* shape. I think it would be really cool. I’d like to go to a trainer and say, ‘ok, this is what I have accomplished on my own, I want to lose 8 more pounds and look like Linda Hamilton’ and then work my ass off (quite literally) to do that.

Possibly I have a very bizarre idea of a reward system.

The mechanic called and they have fixed, or are fixing, the Audi. Wonders of wonders. We’ll pick it up tomorrow and drive it around and have two cars and I can get my damned license. Wonders, as I say, of wonders.

Also, the Young Dubliners will be back up here in August for the State Fair and apparently some other gigs, although the Bear Tooth is not yet booked on their gig list. I must ask the Bear Tooth if they will be there. Either way, we’re goin’ to see them at the fair. :) (Ted said, “You can wear your red bodice again and they’ll be sure to remember you!” Except I undergrew it and gave it away already.) Yay Young Dubs!

And Coby hunts for an Urban Shaman.

Ok, that’s all. Really. Promise.

miles to Rauros Falls: 334

4 thoughts on “very weary

  1. Random commentary prompted by your post:

    Back pain sucks. Get better!

    You said SASSY. Now I want to see the peektures. :)

    I think you’d look cool as Linda Hamilton T2 buff. But I agree to a certain extent that you may have a very bizarre idea of a reward system. Except that you’d look BUFF.

    YAY undergrowing clothes! Although also: sad. Yay, Young Dubs!

  2. Sorry about the back. How do you accidentally buy glasses? I’m having odd images of collisions and being held at gunpoint until said glasses are bought.

    Hey, is this when I was supposed to remind you about a Shamanism FAQ for your website?

    Hope your back feels better and that the paint stripping is done soon.


  3. The paint stripping is unfortunately barely begun. It’s pretty clear that unless I can find a much easier way to do it (like a heat gun, which will probably work because it’s latex paint) I’ll be just re-painting the few things I’ve stripped and leaving it as is. My back can’t handle the truth, or something.

    *giggle* You accidentally buy glasses by going into Lenscrafters while your husband is getting his glasses fixed, and by finding a pair of frames you just can’t resist. :)

    This is a good time to remind me about the shamanism faq. Next Friday, the 15th, would be even better. :)

  4. I think that’s an absolutely fantastic reward for weight loss, and exactly the sort of thing I’d like to do, too.

    I appear to have stopped maintaining, in that I’ve gained a few pounds back, but have also given in to stress/bored eating during the last month or two, with class stress and all. But I’m clearing my house of all the bad snacks and stocking up on fruit and veggies and trying to get myself back on track. All the walking with the summer job will probably help, too.

    Good luck to both of us on the downward movement!

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