holy mary…

Holy Mary, mother of mirth.

We got nearly everything on the Thinks list done. Haven’t yet washed cupboards, and we’re not going to a movie because it sounds like too much work, and I forgot to get boxes at the store so no packing for the PO, but everything else plus a few things. Like:

Ted got stuck at work for lnonger than expected, so after I opened my SEP-IRA (which was ridiculously easy), I went shopping (!) and bought a very cute new lil’ jeans jacket. Short-rib cut, 3/4ths length sleeves, and it’s not all big and baggy, which my old one is. I’m really into not big and baggy at this point. Go fig. :) And then I went over to Nordstroms and bought a new pair of walking shoes, because mine are pretty dead. I ended up with New Balance instead of Merrill, which I’d been getting, because the Merrills now all have this handy arch support thing that cuts right into the overdeveloped muscle on my feet. And even in men’s shoes, I /still/ wear a wide width. Hrmph.

Then we went by the comic shop and I was forced to discover and buy a new Gambit statue. But where’s the Rogue to match, dammit?! I can’t even find a hint that it’s on the way! I can’t find a matching Rogue for Jim Lee Modern Era Gambit, either, which is v. annoying! V.! (Actually, that one goes very nicely with the Sentinel series Rogue, and as I have not yet replaced my Sentinel series Gambit that the wretched CATS DESTROYED, they’re, like, you know, fine together. But still.)

There’s an upcoming new Rogue, but it’s awful.

So I’ve managed to spend a lot of money today. :) And that’s not even including the things we went forth to spend it on!

4 thoughts on “holy mary…

  1. Isn’t it awful? I’m particularly appalled by her breasts. They just perch there on her ribs like softballs with no particular nod toward realism. Not that superheroes have much to do with realism anyway, but yagh.

  2. Gee, you’re absolutely right – that Rogue is UGLY! It’s a shame too… :(

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