Idiosyncratic? Me? Nah.

Deborah tagged me to do this five idiosyncracies meme thing, so here we go:

1. I believe everyone likes me. If they don’t, I regard it something being wrong with them, not me.

2. I appear to be naturally wired to do the sorts of things that they write books about doing if you want to succeed. I usually see the good in the bad, and believe there’s a way to get something positive out of almost any situation.

3. My favorite way to wear my hair is with a Rogue stripe.

4. I have a terrible weakness for men with big noses. Other people share this particular fondness when it comes to Peter Wingfield, but for some reason nobody else thinks Adrian Brody is knee-weakeningly sexy. Whenever I say somebody’s cute, my friends look at his picture knowingly and say, “Well, of course; he’s got a *nose*.”

5. I do not visualize when I read or hear stories told. They do not make pictures in my head. I think it’s exceedingly bizarre that something like two thirds of the population apparently *do* see pictures when they read.

Tagging: Angie, Trip, Laura, Tara, Jai. :)

7 thoughts on “Idiosyncratic? Me? Nah.

  1. Oh, Adrien Brody totally does it for me. When I saw him in the King Kong trailer, I had to see it even more (not that there was a question, but hey). I still think of That Kiss and swoon a little.

    There was a moment on Saturday, during the Doctor Who marathon, where one character said something disparaging about the Doctor’s nose being large, at which point I whispered to Trip, “Bet Kit would like him!” o.O

  2. *giggles helplessly at Angie* That Kiss. Yeah. *Daaaaaaayaaamn*. And you’re probably right about the Doctor. :)

    I nearly fell out of my *chair* at the theatre when Adrian Brody came on screen during the King Kong trailer. OMG. I mean, literally, it took my breath away. I am .such. a dork. :)

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