aaaaaaand she’s off!

I have spellchecked, fixed NOTES, and sent COYOTE DREAMS off into the internet ether to land on my agent and editor’s desks. There are bits I still think need work, but overall I think I’m fairly happy with it. And I’ll get feedback and all will be well. *fwoomp*

Ted and I are going to be wild and crazy and go into Dublin to *watch a movie* today. Woot woot! I wonder what kind of condition Little’s batteries are in. I don’t feel like lugging the big laptop in, but I might work on Chance on the train if Little’s batteries are charged.

Or maybe I’ll just take the afternoon off. There’s a wild and crazy idea!

4 thoughts on “aaaaaaand she’s off!

  1. CONGRATS Catie!

    How about you take the afternoon off and recharge your batteries? ;) Sounds like it’s well-deserved, don’t you think?


  2. Congratulations, yay shipping things off! Is the timeline for this one on the same schedule as US/TF, i.e. approximately April ’07? *must plan impatience ahead of time*

  3. I have absolutely no idea, Jennifer. Probably yes, because I’ve got HEART OF STONE, the first book in a new urban fantasy trilogy, scheduled for the end of 2007, and THE QUEEN’S BASTARD, which is epic sf, scheduled for fall 2007. So I’m guessing in order to not overload the C.E. Murphy synapses of the readers, that COYOTE DREAMS will in fact be out in the first half of 2007. :)

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