
Dammit. I *know* I wrote beatsheets for issues 2-6 of Chance, back whenever that was. 2003? 2002? 2004? 2003, I think. Because it was before I sold Urban Shaman, but after Manifest Destiny had placed in the RMFW contest. Yeah. Cover letters indicate 2003. And cover letters also indicate that it is not my imagination: I *did* write those beatsheets.

I cannot find copies *anywhere*. They’re not on Little, they’re not on this computer, they’re not on Nook, they’re not on the new laptop. I’m pretty sure I *wrote* them on Little. I don’t know why there aren’t copies there. I’ve changed desktop computers since then, but I thought I had everything backed up. I don’t know why I can’t find these.

I can’t even think who I might have *emailed* them to, who might by some incredibly slim chance still have copies. Sarah, almost certainly. Trent, maybe. Silkie, maybe. Maybe Spidey. Maybe some of the artists I talked to back then, but there’s pretty much no reason anybody’d keep them. Argh. I’ll email people, but what a total shot in the dark.

Argh. I really don’t want to have to do those over again. Argh.

2 thoughts on “Dammit.

  1. Beatsheets are scene-by-scene synopses of a script, where each scene is a ‘beat’ of story. In this case, I’ve written out about 11 scenes per 22 page comic.

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