o so tired

It has been an extremely good weekend. We are extremely tired. *laugh* I met Jim Frenkel from Tor Books, who came in on the conversation we were having when I was talking about URBAN SHAMAN having sold out (he said, “Do you know what that means?” I said, “That I’m brilliant?”, which was so completely not what he expected there was a very long and funny pause while he tried to figure out how to respond *laugh*), and after a while of hearing about the sales I’d made to publishers, he wanted, in essence, to know why Tor didn’t have a piece of me. *laugh* I said it wasn’t for lack of trying on my part, and we talked for a long time, and this morning I gave him a copy of URBAN SHAMAN and said I hoped we’d have the chance to work together in the future, and he said he hoped so too, so that by itself was quite worth coming to the con for.

But *besides* that, we just flat-out had a fantastic time. We met Lisa and her husband Erik (Lisa is responsible for me being here. Lisa is on my list of Top Favorite People Ever! *grin*) who are just wonderful, we found ourselves standing next to Carmen Argenziano in the hospitality suite and tried not to giggle like idiots, we met Spider and Jeanne Robinson, I served cake to Terry Brooks, we listened in on Richard Hatch talk about sort of life, the universe and everything during breakfast, I did several panels which were a lot of fun and which I will write about sometime later this week…it was just a blast. We had a totally fantastic time.

I *really* hope we come back next year. :)

9 thoughts on “o so tired

  1. sleep on the plane, hope you land safely. you will come up with idea for Tor. You be back to Ny next ’cause you will be the headliner!!! your faithful minion

  2. Sounds like you had a successful trip. That’s great! Have a safe flight home.

  3. Just stumbled in from the con myself. It was great meeting you and Ted. I only wished that I wasn’t on a panel the same time you spoke on most of yours. I’m very glad I at least was able to make it to your reading. (And I am looking forward to be reading more of Thunderbird Falls very shortly…)

    I hope your trip was safe and uneventful. And that you will be meandering your way back to the states and I-con come this time next year.

  4. I hope you make it next year too! If you do, we’ll just plan to come to the con for the weekend (which would be fun anyway!) so that stupid ferry schedules don’t thwart us!

    Have a safe flight.

  5. I’m so glad that you enjoyed Icon and had a safe trip home. It was great meeting you and Ted and I hope to see you next year. Neal has about ten pages left of the book you so graciously gave him and he’s been teasing me about how good it is. I can’t wait to get my paws on it! As promised, I’m sending you an email with one of the pics that we posed for, so be forwarned. :)

  6. It basically means what one would think it does: the publisher badly underestimated the number of books you’d sell, and that now they’ve got dollar signs rolling through their eyes rather like Scrooge McDuck.

    At least, that’s kind of how Jim Frenkel looked. :)

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